Contact Us

Contact Us

We love hearing from you! Whether you have a question, a suggestion, or a media inquiry, we’re always happy to help. Here are some ways you can reach us:


You can email us at any of the following addresses, depending on the nature of your inquiry:

We’ll do our best to respond to your email within 24 hours.

Phone and Address

Stay Lone Star
9722 Gaston Rd,Ste 150 PMB 1031
Katy, Texas 77494
United States

Phone: 281-712-6602


Can I suggest a location or brand for review?

Yes, we always welcome suggestions from our readers! If you have a location or brand you’d like us to review, please send us a message at Be sure to include the name of the location or brand as well as the address or website that you are interested in. We can’t guarantee that we will review every suggestion, but we do take reader input into consideration.

Can I contribute or write a guest post for

We are thrilled to have contributions from our community. If you are interested in writing a guest post or contributing to our blog, please send us an inquiry at Include details about your background and the topic you would like to write about. Please note that all submissions are subject to review and approval by our editorial team.

How can I advertise my brand on

If you’re interested in advertising your dog food brand on our website, please reach out to us at We offer various advertising options that can be tailored to meet your brand’s needs. Our team will be happy to discuss partnership and sponsorship opportunities with you.

How can I support

Thank you for your interest in supporting! There are several ways you can help us:
– Share our content with your friends and on social media.
– Use the affiliate links on our site when making purchases. This doesn’t cost you anything extra, but we may earn a small commission.
– Provide feedback and suggestions through
– Engage with us on social media by liking, commenting, and sharing our posts.

Want to work with me?

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Blog Partnership Examples

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